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glass of watermelon happy juice

What is Happy Juice!? The skinny on this delicious, Cortisol lowering drink.

I didn’t want to like Happy Juice, but I decided to try it after walking through a really stressful 5 month season of life that left me feeling like I could use the help that some of the testimonies talked about.

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Welcome to the Hey, Lacie Jaye! Blog

If there is one thing you should know, I am passionate about sharing the things I love and believe will make your life easier and more enjoyable. I'm here to chat about various topics- from wellness and my personal journey of weight loss transformed into self-love, to beauty and business, to my love for morning rituals and practices that can help you reconnect with yourself.

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We like it salty and sweet

If it costs you your peace, it’s not worth it. The first time I heard this quote it was during a time in my life when I had to make a pretty big decision. I saw the quote, and I knew the decision that had to be made. The one that would cost me my […]

04. If It Costs You Your Peace, It’s Not Worth It.


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With the biggest smile, my seven year old daughter looked at me and said, “I did it. That’s what happens when you try. I didn’t think I could read it, but I did!” The back story. She sat down on my lap and wanted to read a book she had in her hand, but she […]

[Gold Nugget] That’s what happens when you try


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I was in fetal position on my bed with severe chest pains. Stress and frustration was starting to physically manifest in my body. I was laying there talking to Ben about how stressed out I was about a situation, and telling him I think we need to go to the urgent care.. … and then […]

03. Why you should listen to your intuiton


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10 years ago I was up on a cloud, I don’t know if I was in heaven or what, but I had the chance to look down, and see all the lives I impacted in my lifetime. There were hundreds of thousands of people. At first I was excited about the vision, but then I […]

02. The Vision of Her Life Out Loud


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If there is one thing I believe, it’s that each one of us was created in a unique and beautiful way, with special gifts and talents to bring to the world.

What is Human Design?? and How to Start Using it.

Human Design

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Wow, what a journey to get here. Do you ever feel that way in your own life? Like, you take a moment and it hits you what it took to get right here… right now.

01. Welcome to Hey, Lacie Jaye!… THE PODCAST!!


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I jumped and I didn’t pee my pants… Since 2014 I struggled with pelvic floor weakness. It all started after pushing a baby out of my vagina. If I sneezed wrong, I would pee my pants. If I had to take an extra long step… dribble dribble. I was about to start wearing adult diapers!! […]

How This Home Barre Workout Strengthened My Core and Helped Me Stop Peeing My Pants


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I never gave much thought to the water I was drinking. I thought, water is water and as long as it’s clear and didn’t smell than it must be clean, right? I could not have been more wrong.

The Best Water filter to remove Glyphosate, Heavy Metals, PFAS and other toxins – AquaTru Reverse Osmosis purifier


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About 9 days before my period I am met with lots of emotions, tears, anger & exhaustion. It feels like three weeks out of the month I am dealing with woman issues, which leads me to one week of feeling pretty good.

5 Natural Remedies to Help with Periods


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The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.