Good Morning! As I sip on my morning ritual cacao drink I am writing out this recipe for you. There is nothing better than a quiet morning sipping a warm yummy drink to get the day started. About 6 years ago, I stopped drinking coffee when I started to notice that it was making me feel more anxious and upset my stomach- too acidic. Since then, I have been on the search to find a coffee alternative that I love.
This is when I came across Third Eye Ceremonial Cacao Gentle Activation Elixir at the Farmers Market in downtown Austin. I love that the ingredients are: Ceremonial Ecuadorian Cacao, Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Ashwaganda, Maca, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Clove, Turmeric, Black Pepper. Not only does it taste delicious but it provides a gentle and sustained source of energy that will keep you going throughout the day.
And with the blend of adaptogenic herbs and anti-inflammatory spices, this morning ritual cacao drink is the perfect elixir to support your overall well-being while keeping you energized and focused. Each serving contains around 33mg of caffeine.
Ceremonial cacao is rich in flavonoids that have been shown to boost cognitive function and improve mood. There are different Cacao elixirs you can choose from, each with their own blend of ceremonial cacao, natural adaptogens and sacred spices. They are designed to be easily brewed at home for a daily ritual practice, and each cacao elixir blend has a unique expression to nourish your body, elevate your senses, and deepen your spiritual connection. Learn more about Third Eye Cacao here.
I love and drink all the elixirs from Third Eye Cacao. I recommend looking through each one to see their intention and taste notes to decide which cacao elixir to try. You can also combine elixirs, some of my favorite combinations are:
Grounded Goddess (grounded presence + goddess feels)
Grounded Activation (grounded presence + gentle activation)
Spicy Bro-Man (spicy mayan + theo bro-man)
In addition to the cacao elixir powder, I mix in a cacao butter to improve texture and additional benefits, and a dash of salt. I pour 6 ounces of hot water in my mug, add maple syrup and mix well with an electric whisk. Lastly I add a splash of milk. I typically use raw milk – I find mine from a local farmer. f you’re looking for a great frother, I love this one.
This morning ritual cacao drink is such a great way to start the day!
See below for the list of ingredients/links and steps to make!
1 tablespoon of third eye ceremonial cacao elixir for around an 8oz serving
1-2 cacao butter wafer- sub any fat
maple syrup
1 dash of salt
splash of raw milk-sub any milk
1. Place the cacao elixir powder, cacao butter wafer, into mug. Pour 6 ounces of boiling water on top and stir with an electric whisk to make it nice and creamy.
2. Add maple syrup and whisk again. I use about 1 tablespoon– depends on how sweet you want it.
3. Add your milk of choice. Pour over the cacao drink and sprinkle with salt. Enjoy!

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